
interface UserStorage

User storage interface.

This is the common interface for user storage peripherals, which provides access to the drone physical storage state, file system information, as well as formatting and encryption operations.

See also



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File system state of the user storage.
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interface FormattingState
Progress state of the formatting process.
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Type of formatting.
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interface MediaInfo
Information about media.
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Usage for decryption.
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Physical state of the user storage.
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enum Type
Type of user storage.


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abstract fun canFormat(): Boolean
Tells whether the media can be formatted.
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Requests a format of the media.
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Gets the progress state of the formatting process.
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Requests a format of the media with encryption.
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abstract fun getAvailableSpace(): Long
Gets available free space on current media.
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Gets the current file system state of the user storage.
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Gets information on current media.
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Gets the current physical state of the user storage.
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abstract fun getUuid(): String
Gets the UUID of user storage.
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abstract fun hasCheckError(): Boolean
Tells whether media failed being checked without error.
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abstract fun isEncrypted(): Boolean
Tells whether the media is encrypted.
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Tells whether the media can be encrypted.
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Sends a password in order to decrypt the media.
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Retrieves the supported formatting types.